Stephanie Oley

Learn to write effectively for any workplace

Relearn the way you write, with timeless techniques that boost confidence and streamline your output.

Writing workshops designed to get you learning fast.

Writing systems that save time and build confidence 

Real-life writing samples, drawn from dozens of sectors

Gain skills online or face-to-face, solo or in groups

write better, achieve more

Good workplace writing is a career-booster. It can fast-track decisions, win business, untangle problems and enlighten stakeholders. At these original business writing and content writing workshops, you’ll learn timeless writing techniques to give you the upper hand in these and other business-critical situations. Choose from face-to-face options at your workplace in Sydney, or online from wherever you are.


Writing for University Professionals

Emails That Get Actioned


Structures, styles, etiquette rules and inbox tips that save time and improve outcomes for your workplace emails. Bonus module: How to write effectively in messaging apps.  


Essential CV Overhaul

Is this you?

Whether or not you’re confident in your writing, chances are someone on your team is doing things differently. But which techniques should you adopt, and which should you quietly ignore? Writing is taught differently around the world and according to industry, and conventions change every generation or so. Learn timeless writing craft at our workshops,  regardless of where you are at in your career.

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